Thursday, May 10, 2012

This is it...

I feel like a better teacher.  I also feel like I am ready to move forward in my education.  it was very nice being back in the classroom.  Like I have said before, it's nice to be reminded why I went back to school full time.  I have learned a lot about my teaching strengths, and things I need to work on.  I have learned a lot about what I like in my classroom, and what I will not do in my classroom.  Basically, I have learned a lot.
I am thankful for the experience to be apart of two different classes.  Not only were they based upon different philosophies, the classrooms were different because, well, they were different. 
Thanks to my teachers, you guys in class, and my family for making this possible.  I cannot lie, I am very much looking forward to these couple of weeks before summer school when I can be with my daughter, go to the farmer's market, and dust off my bicycle. 

It's a wonderful feeling when you get to work and you are bombarded with hugs.  These children have impacted me, just as I have them, and I look forward to continue to watch them grow as my daughter may be joining their class.
Thanks to Kathleen, Mary Webb, Bri, Andrea, Melissa, Jackie, Jamie, Jennie, and Sarah!  I needed my Fridays in which I was able to vent and get feedback about my theme days and lesson plans.  You all were a great support.
And, thank you, Asiya for creating a learning environment in which I felt comfortable and inspired to continue my education. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I think that my favorite part of each day is when I get hugs from the children in my class. I needed my Fridays as well to vent and get feedback. I do not know how I would have gotten through the semester with out the seminar part of the class.
