Thursday, March 22, 2012

So long, Head Start!

My eight weeks at Head Start are over, but my thoughts still go to the children and teachers I met and became friends with during that time.  It is a wonderful thing the program does for the children and their families.  Attending a Head Start staff meeting lead me to tears when hearing of the families that have bene touched by the program.
It's philosophy is to better the lives of the children not only through their stay at school, but by reaching out to the parents as well.  I never got to meet any parents because the children are bussed in, but I could tell that the teachers had a good relationship with the families. 
Due to my education from JCCC, it was easy for me to see the many things that were certainly not considered "Developmentally Appropriate Practice," and due to my experience with children living under the poverty threshold, I was able to see the overall head start (punn intended) that these children and families were receiving.  The program is trying to help the children to like school so that they stay in school.  Many of the children would be staying at home with little school-realted work, so when they come to Head Start, they are being exposed to what they will be doing for the next 13-15 years.
I applaud the faculty at Harmony Early Childhood Center for making me feel not only welcome, but needed and appreciated during my time there.  As soon as I was becoming attached, it was time for me to leave!  I will most-definitely be back to visit.